When you do not even own your own heart.. man you're in trouble
When you sit alone on your bed, crying... your friends say, for no reason.
But you've felt the butterflies' coloured wings flying once again inside your belly, and you've felt the warmth of a man's slightly bigger hands around yours commenting your sparkeling nails, and your wet eyes.
The smell never linger on your skin long enough..
You never know how that feels until you had his smile smothering eveything around you, his arms dragging your stiff body next to his under your flowerpatterned a-bit-too-small-umbrella in the middle of the street.
How a heart can long and freeze at the same time.
Darling it's called the heart of burned hearts.
But you've felt the butterflies' coloured wings flying once again inside your belly, and you've felt the warmth of a man's slightly bigger hands around yours commenting your sparkeling nails, and your wet eyes.
The smell never linger on your skin long enough..
You never know how that feels until you had his smile smothering eveything around you, his arms dragging your stiff body next to his under your flowerpatterned a-bit-too-small-umbrella in the middle of the street.
How a heart can long and freeze at the same time.
Darling it's called the heart of burned hearts.
Efterlängtat recept!
Ända sen orre fyllde (var det 30.... :P) år så har receptet på kakan/godiset som bakades efterfrågats. På grund av att jag flyttat runt som en nomad senaste halvåret så har jag och receptet befunnit oss på olika platser mestadels. Nu tänkte jag dock göra er tjänsten att skriva upp allt, tillgängligt för alla gottegrisar!
Favoritkakan (gultenfri)
250 g mandelmassa
125 g smör
3 dl vispgrädde
250 g mörk choklad
250 g ljus choklad
(2 msk rom) <<< Hade inte jag i min version
Gör såhär:
1. Kavla mandelmassan mellan plastfolie så stor att den täcker botten på en form med cirka 21 cm i diameter, med löstagbar kant. Tryck fast i botten, den behöver inte täcka kanterna.
2. Smält smöret på svag värme och tillsätt grädden när smöret är nästintill smält. Låt koka upp och lyft av kastrullen.
3. Bryt ner chokladen i gräddblandningen och låt den smälta. Rör om så att det blir en jämn smet, tillsätt därefter rommen.
4. Häll smeten i formen och kyl i minst fyra timmar. <<< Min variant stod nog ett dygn.
Tadaaaaaa, smarrigt!

Favoritkakan (gultenfri)
250 g mandelmassa
125 g smör
3 dl vispgrädde
250 g mörk choklad
250 g ljus choklad
(2 msk rom) <<< Hade inte jag i min version
Gör såhär:
1. Kavla mandelmassan mellan plastfolie så stor att den täcker botten på en form med cirka 21 cm i diameter, med löstagbar kant. Tryck fast i botten, den behöver inte täcka kanterna.
2. Smält smöret på svag värme och tillsätt grädden när smöret är nästintill smält. Låt koka upp och lyft av kastrullen.
3. Bryt ner chokladen i gräddblandningen och låt den smälta. Rör om så att det blir en jämn smet, tillsätt därefter rommen.
4. Häll smeten i formen och kyl i minst fyra timmar. <<< Min variant stod nog ett dygn.
Tadaaaaaa, smarrigt!

Crack the shutters
Fy fan så fint.
You cool your bed-warm hands down on the broken radiator,
And when you lay them freezing on me, I mumble "can you wake me later?"
But I don't really want you to stop and you know it so it doesn't stop you
And run your hands from my neck to my chest
Crack the shutters open wide, I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you
It's been minutes, it's been days, it's been all I will remember
Happy lost in your hair and the cold side of the pillow
Your hills and valleys are mapped by my intrepid fingers
And in a naked slumber, I dream all this again
Crack the shutters open wide, I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you
Crack the shutters open wide, I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you